Housing Program

Amandla coordinates and facilitates two housing program components:  New Construction and Acquisition Rehabilitation. 


The New Construction component focuses on the development of Newly Constructed affordable housing units in Northwest Detroit.    It’s designed to meet the housing needs of low and moderate income families and the senior community.   All housing will be developed utilizing green standards to offer state of the art energy efficiency.

Details Coming Soon!

The second program component offers Acquisition, Rehabilitation and For Sale affordable housing units through its partnership with the National Community Stabilization Trust program (NCST).  In partnership with its For-profit partner, this component focus is on the acquisition of foreclosed homes that are in the inventory of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and other lending institutions acquired through the NCST program at below market value.  The houses are then rehabilitated and placed on the market for sale to persons of low- and moderate-income families.  Click HERE to learn more!